BCMC 2022 - Exclusive Machinery Information
We want to personally thank you for meeting with us at the 2022 BCMC show! Please see more information below on our currently available equipment.
For further information you can reach Colleen at colleen@tctautomation.com and Eric at ericw@tctautomation.com Or, give us a call at 352-735-5070
We are happy to announce the release of our new saw "ScrapChop"!
This machine is specifically designed to process 2x4 and 2x6 scrap lumber as small as 2.5' into usable 90/90 blocks. ScrapChop has a greater tolerance of twisted, short, and otherwise unusable lumber.
Process scrap lumber with the safety and accuracy that can be expected of other full size TCT equipment. ScrapChop features an electronically locked enclosure, preventing access to any exposed blades by the operator, at a fraction of the price of full sized automated saws.
Select the feet, inches and sixteenths in an already familiar format (EX. 1-1-0) and select the quantity of pieces desired. Continuously keep the machine loaded with any length of 2x4 or 2x6 lumber that is 2.5' or greater and the machine will continue until the counter is reached. Stock and scrap lengths can be loaded in any order and will continue to cut, as long as it is loaded, until the counter is reached.
Base model starting at $65,000
Base model includes: Touch screen interface, a single axis feed
system, pneumatic actuation. An exit chute for a not included small
hopper. Requires 3 phase 240v, single phase 110v, and air at 100psi.
Optional additional upgrades include:
Power exit incline conveyor for use with not included tall hopper.
Vacuum adapter flange (8").
Spare parts kit.
Installation and Onsite Training
Trimmer 2.0 $20,000
Cuts Double 45 Degree Bevels on 2x4 and 2x6 from 90° to 45°
XL-Saw with XL-Feeder $230,000
The XL-Saw is currently booked out to 2024
We are not currently taking pre-orders for this unit.